Sunday, November 14, 2010

The RAOK Challenge

Have you committed a Random Act of Kindness lately? If not, i invite you to join me in my RAOK Challenge starting now and ending (maybe) on Christmas.

There was a food drive being held outside of my local grocery store today. A young man gave me a flier with a wish list of pantry items on it, asking if I wouldn't mind shopping for something to donate so I donated 2 boxes of instant oatmeal and a can of pasta.

There's also a blood drive being held at my DS's school next month. I've never donated blood because of my fear of needles but I feel compelled to donate blood so I can in some way help my friend's son fight Black Diamond Anemia.

These are such small acts of kindness but I'm setting a personal goal for myself to commit one random act of kindness each day until Christmas. One person's contribution may not make a huge difference in the world but when joined by thousands of others, there may just be hope for mankind.

How will YOU help someone else?

1 comment:

  1. Donating blood used to be one of my most frequent endeavors... but with the back-to-back pregnancy I can't anymore, however, I will be donating my hair to Lock-for-Love again very soon.

    We also try to give at least one present to charity and at least one can of goods to the food drive (we're hard up financially, so...)
