Tuesday, October 5, 2010

She's the kind of mom I hate!

My husband was describing to a friend the Bento box lunches I make for Tater Tot. Her response was "She's the kind of mom I hate." Really? Why? Because I have a hidden agenda for making Tater Tot's lunches varied and exciting so he's not tempted to eat the cafeteria hot lunch? Because it usually takes no more than 15 minutes to make a lunch that looks like I spent more than that on it? Because I'm trying to be creative and fun with them?

I think it it as no more different than a creative hobby an adult has, whether it be painting, sewing, knitting, cooking, etc. They're all expressive outlets. According to some of the other Bento blogs I've seen, the lunches I make don't even compare to theirs in terms of style, presentation, variety and fun.

It's just a fun hobby with a hidden agenda. No more, no less.


  1. You know how mom envy can be! LOL. I think your bento box lunches are very cool - although the ones I make pale in comparison and don't deter my child from his several times a month journey into the wonders of hot lunch. ;-)

  2. The memory of the lunches you make for him will stay with him for a lifetime, more than any child's memory of the big, expensive vacation he takes with mom and dad once a year when they take a week off work. Maybe she's jealous that she works all the time and doesn't have time to do those special little things for her children. They say you make sacrifices to be a SAHM. I think it's the other way around. TT is so lucky to have a mom who makes memories for him every day!

  3. Oh she's just jealous :) I just found your blog - do you have photos of your Bento box creations?
