You know how people make resolutions every New Year? I used to be one of those people. Perhaps I still am. Or not. I dunno.
One of the most common resolutions is to lose weight, henceforth, the word "diet." Of course, I need to lose weight. I'm not the only alone in this but you know what I hate? The letters "DIEt." Why? Because it has such a negative connotation and it's almost like I'm being set up to fail.
The word resolution is the state or quality of being resolute about something, to have firm determination. I can't say I meet the criteria. I'm not resolute about anything because I know myself too well. I may have good intentions but as some good intentions of mine go, they sometimes end up disappearing. Then I feel bad or guilty about them and before you know it, it's another year come and gone with nothing to show for it.
This year, I'm not making resolutions. I'm going to have good intentions and if they don't all work out, I'm not going to kick myself for it (or at least I'll try). I would like to commit myself to changing my eating and exercise habits. I would like to save my family even more money. I would like to have more patience parenting my son. If these "would like to's" don't work out, so be it but I won't kick myself for it either (except maybe the last one).
I'm not perfect nor will I ever be. That is one thing I CAN be resolute about. And that's okay.